Information For Authors

Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process:



1. Submission contains at least two separate files: the file entitled "Manuscript" (fully anonymised, without any author's name and information allowing for identification); the file entitled "Title page" (with author's personal data). 

2. The manuscript should be saved as a text document in DOC or DOCX format and submitted to the editorial office on the OJS platform:

3. Provide a title page. A title page includes:

- full name(s) of author(s), author titles and institutional affiliations,

- postal and e-mail addresses;

- the corresponding author(s);

- authors’ ORCID numbers;

- title of the paper centred and bold - 14;

- acknowledgements (if applicable)

4. Please, ensure that the entire text is ready for double-blind review procedure (title page makes up a separate file, text is anonymized)

5. Text:

- The Times New Roman font should be used. Type size: 12

- Title of the paper centred and bold - 14;

- Mid-titles centred, unnumbered - 12;

- Basic text, spacing between lines 1.5, margins 2.5 cm;

- Abstract and key-words should precede the main body of the text, type size 10

6. Quotations should be written in inverted commas, longer quotations separated from the text, line spacing 1.0.

7. Tables and figures numbered throughout the article and provided with a title or caption, respectively:

- drawings in electronic form should be supplied in formats importable into MS Word, e.g., tif, jpg, bmp, eps, pcx, wmf;

- drawings prepared in internal MS Word should constitute a whole;

- elements should be grouped (they should not be drawn directly in the text file).

8. References should be placed in the text in parentheses according to APA 7.

9. The text should be structured in such a way as to keep the number of footnotes at the bottom of the page to a minimum.

10. Bibliography should be prepared in accordance with the APA 7 guidelines.

11. Abstracts of articles in Polish should be provided in Polish and English.

12. The editors require the authors to disclose information about the entities that contributed to the publication (substantive, material, financial contribution). The main responsibility for providing this information lies with the author submitting the article. "Ghostwriting", "guest authorship" are manifestations of scientific dishonesty and will be exposed if detected.