Aims & Scope
The journal INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society (ISSN: 1505-8808; e-ISSN: 2450-3428) is a forum for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary discussions on education understood as a multidimensional form of cultural experience in a complex and changing reality. Contemporary pedagogy recognizes and scrutinizes transformations concerning both the significance of education, the status of pedagogy as an academic field, and its social contexts.
Thus, we publish both texts on qualitative and quantitative research educational sensu stricto, as well as articles taking up the problems on the borderline between pedagogy and other disciplines, such as cultural anthropology, philosophy, sociology, psychology, history, cultural studies, art sciences or linguistics. We are particularly interested in research presenting original methodological approaches.
Next to research articles and reports, we also publish essays, opinions and interviews, as well as review articles and obituaries. All texts, pre-approved by the editors, undergo a “double blind review” procedure (the exception is the section “Obituaries”), as a result of which the editors receive the reviews of at least two reviewers.
The journal INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society is a semi-annual journal and thus is published twice a year. Accepted submissions are first published on the website in an "early view" form (with all bibliographic data except pagination), immediately after the review procedure and editorial work, and then (in June and November) they are assigned to particular issues.
INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society (the Polish title Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja) publishes texts in Polish and English. The journal is brought out both in paper form (ISSN: 1505-8808) and in electronic form (e-ISSN: 2450-3428). Published texts are available as Open Access under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The editors do not charge for the submitting of texts to the journal or for their publication. The publisher is University of Lower Silesia Press.