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The purpose of the article was to discuss the shift towards post-humanism taking place in the Childhood Studies research field, which is seen by its creators as the answer to the environmental problems of modern times. The penetration of posthumanist thought into the Childhood Studies field has resulted in a turn towards a relational ontology. Childhood has been recognised as a phenomenon closely linked to nature, and the child as a relational being, existing in communities of interrelated human and non-human entities. Drawing on posthumanist thinking has also helped to recognise the need to refer to ideas of community, relationality, and becoming/becoming-with in educational contexts. This resulted in the transition to pedagogical approaches that enable children to learn and stand together with the world, while also building in-depth relationships with both human and non-human entities. According to the author, strengthening children’s disposition in this respect will enable them to coexist with all entities and Prosper in common worlds. This will increase the chances of all of us to successfully dealing with the environmental threats of modern times.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Małgorzata Kowalik-Olubińska
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- Bakke, M. (2010). Posthumanizm: człowiek w świecie większym niż ludzki. W: J. Sokolski (red.), Człowiek wobec natury – humanizm wobec nauk przyrodniczych (s. 337-357).Wydawnictwo Neriton.
- Barad, K. (2007). Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning. Duke University Press.
- Barad, K. (2012). Nature’s Queer Performativity. Women, Gender, and Research, 1-2, 25-53.
- Barad, K. (2014). On Touching - The Inhuman That Therefore I Am (v1.1). W: S. Witzgall, K. Stakemeier (red.), Power of Material - Politics of Materiality (s.153-164). Diaphanes.
- Bayne, S. (2018). Posthumanism: A Navigation Aid for Educators. Journal for Research and Debate, 1(2), 1-7.
- Bekoff, M. (red.).(2013). Ignoring nature no more: The case for compassionate conservation. University of Chicago Press.
- Bińczyk, E. (2018). Epoka człowieka. Retoryka i marazm antropocenu. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
- Bradshaw, G.A. (2009). Elephants on the edge: What animals teach us about humanity. New Haven Yale University Press.
- Braidotti, R. (2006).Transpositions. On Nomadic Ethics. Polity Press.
- Braidotti, R. (2014). Po człowieku. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
- Chutorański, M. (2019). Posthumanizm(y) i pedagogika. W: M. Chutorański, A. Makowska (red.), Rzeczy-Kultura-Edukacja (s. 19-33). Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego.
- Chutorański, M. (2020). Nie (tylko) ludzkie wymiary edukacji. W stronę pedagogiki nieantropocentrycznej. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego.
- Chutorański, M. (2022). Nieantropocentryczna pedagogiczność lasu. Forum Pedagogiczne, 12(2), 127-139.
- Crutzen, P.J. (2002). Geology of Mankind. Nature, 415, 23.
- Crutzen, P.J., Stoermer, E. (2000). The “Anthropocene”. IGBP Newsletter, 41, 17-18.
- Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, A., Malone, K., Barratt Hacking, E. (2020). Childhoodnature: An Assemblage Adventure.W:A. Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, K. Malone, E. Barrad Hacking (red.), Research Handbook on Childhoodnature. Assemblages of Childhood and Nature Research(s. 1-16).Springer.
- DeLanda, M. (1997). A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History. Zone Books.
- Deleuze, G., Guattari, F. (1987). A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. University of Minnesota Press.
- Derra, A. (2017). „Twórzmy relacje, a nie dzieci”. Wspólne życie na zniszczonej planecie w chtulucenie Donny Haraway. Avant, 8(3), 215-228.
- De Waal, F. (2019). Ostatni uścisk mamy. Emocje zwierząt i co one mówią o nas samych. Copernicus Center Press.
- Devall, B., Session, G.(1995). Ekologia głęboka. Żyć w przekonaniu, iż Natura coś znaczy.Wydawnictwo Pusty Obłok.
- Everndon, N. (1978). Beyond Ecology: Self, Place, & the Pathetic Fallacy.The North American Review, 263(4), 16-20.
- Fredriksen, B.C. (2019). Interspecies Pedagogy: What Could a Horse Teach Me About Teaching. Journal for Human-Animal Studies, 5, 1-28.
- Gilling, M.R., Hagan-Lawson, E.L. (2014). The cost of living in the Anthropocene. Earth Perspectives, 1(2), 1-11.
- Gilbert, S.F., Sapp, J., Tauber, A.I. (2012). A Symbiotic View of Life: We Have Never Been Individuals. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 87(4), 325-341.
- Haraway, D.J. (2003). The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness. Prickly Paradigm Press.
- Haraway, D.J. (2008). When Species Meet: T. 3.Posthumanities. University of Minnesota Press.
- Haraway, D.J. (2016). Staying with the Trouble. Making Kin in the Chthulence. Duke University Press.
- Hyży, E. (2017). Dzielenie się światem. Nowy feministyczny realizm w ujęciu Karen Barad. W: E. Hyży (red.), Feministyczne konteksty. Multidyscyplinarnie (s. 57-79). Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek.
- Ingold, T. (2013). Prospect. W: T. Ingold, G. Palsson (red.), Biosocial becomings: Integrating social and biological anthropology(s.1-21).Cambridge University Press.
- Keim, B. (2017). Inside animal mind: What they think, feel and know.National Geographic.
- Kowalik-Olubińska, M. (2020). Od binarności do nowej fali – między modernizmem a postmodernizmem w nowej socjologii dzieciństwa. Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji, 2(49), 81-90.
- Lack, B. (2022). The Children of the Anthropocene. Penguin Random House.
- Latour, B. (1993). We Have Never Been Modern. Harvard University Press.
- Latour, B. (2004). The Politics of Nature: How to Bring the Sciences into Democracy. Harvard University Press.
- Lenz Taguchi, H. (2010).Going Beyond the Theory/Practice Divide in Early Childhood Education: Introducing an intra-active pedagogy. Routledge.
- Lenz Taguchi, H. (2011). Investigating Learning, Participation and Becoming in Early Childhood Practices with a Relational Materialist Approach. Global Studies of Childhood, 1(1), 36-50.
- Lindgren, N., Öhman, J. (2018). A posthuman approach to humananimal relationships: advocating critical pluralism. Environmental Education Research, 25(8), 1200-1215.
- Lindgren, T., Sjostrand Ohrfelt, M. (2017). Fabricating Posthuman Child in Early Childhood Education and Care. Philosophy of Education,73, 264-276.
- Malone, K. (2016). Posthumanist Approaches to Theorizing Children’s Human-Nature Relation. W:K. Nairn, P. Kraftl, T. Sketton (red.),Space, Place, and Environment(s.185-206).Springer.
- Malone, K., Tesar, M., Arndt, S. (2020). Theorising Posthuman Childhood Studies. Springer.
- Markiewicz, M. (2018). Nowa wspólnota dla antropocenu? Eko-logika, czyli myślenie domem. Zarys problematyki. Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, 18,163-177.
- Morton, T. (2010). The Ecological Thought. Harvard University Press.
- Murris, K. (2016). The Posthuman Child. Educational transformation through philosophy with Picturebooks. Routledge.
- Nxumalo, F., Pachini-Ketchabaw, V. (2017). “Staying with the trouble” in child-insect-educator common worlds.Environmental Education Research,23(10), 1414-1426.
- Prout, A. (2019). In Defence of Interdisciplinary Childhood Studies. Children & Society, 33, 309-315.
- Prout, A.(2000). Childhood Bodies: Construction, Agency and Hybridity. In A. Prout, J. Campling (Eds.),The Body, Childhood and Society (pp. 1-18). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Prout, A. (2005). The Future of Childhood. Towards the interdisciplinary study of children. Routledge.
- Prout, A. (2011). Taking a Step Away from Modernity: reconsidering the new sociology of childhood. Global Studies of Childhood, 1(1),4-14.
- Radomska, M. (2010). Braidotti/Haraway – perspektywa posthumanizmu. Nowa Krytyka. Czasopismo Filozoficzne, 24-25, 57-74.
- Shapiro, K., DeMello, M. (2010). The state of human-animal studies. Society and Animals, 18, 307-318.
- Skolimowski, H. (1993). Nadzieja matką mądrych. Wydawnictwo Akapit Press.
- Smith, M. (2013). Ecological Community, the Sense of the World, and Senseless Extinction. Environmental Humanities, 2, 21-41.
- Spyrou, S. (2019). An Ontological Turn for Childhood Studies?Children & Society, 33, 316-323.
- Tammi, T., Hohti, R. (2020).Touching is Worlding: From Caring Hands to World Making Dances in Multispecies Childhoods.Journal of Childhood Studies, 45(2), 14-26.
- Taylor, A. (2013). Reconfiguring the Natures of Childhood. Routledge.
- Taylor, A., Blaise, M., Giugni M. (2013). Haraway’s ‘bag lady story-telling’: relocating childhood and learning within a ‘post-human landscape’. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 34(1), 48-62.
- Taylor, A., Pacini-Ketchabaw, V. (2015). Learning with children, ants, and worms in the anthropocene: Towards a common world pedagogy of multispecies vulnerability. Pedagogy, Culture, & Society, 23(4),507-529.
- Taylor, A., Pachini-Ketchabaw, V. (2019). The Common Worlds of Children and Animals. Relational Ethics for Entangled Lives. Routledge.
- Taylor, A., Zakharova, T., Cullen, M. (2021). Common Worlding Pedagogies: Opening Up to Learning with Worlds. Journal of Childhood Studies 2021, 46(4), 74-88.
- Wright, K. (2014). Becoming-With.Living Lexicon for the Environmental Humanities. Environmental Humanities, 5, 277-281.
- Zalasiewicz, J. (2016). Warstwy historii. Ludzki ślad na Ziemi. Świat Nauki, (10), 22-29.
- Zalasiewicz, J., Williams, M., Haywood, A., Ellis, M. (2011). The Anthropocene: a new epoch of geological time?.Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society, 369(1938),835-841.
- Zalasiewicz, J., Williams, M. (2022). Klimat Ziemi od archaiku po antropocen. W: K. Jasikowska, M. Pałasz (red.), Za pięć dwunasta koniec świata. Kryzys klimatyczno-ekologiczny głosem wielu nauk(s. 34-57).Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Biblioteka Jagiellońska.
Bakke, M. (2010). Posthumanizm: człowiek w świecie większym niż ludzki. W: J. Sokolski (red.), Człowiek wobec natury – humanizm wobec nauk przyrodniczych (s. 337-357).Wydawnictwo Neriton.
Barad, K. (2007). Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning. Duke University Press.
Barad, K. (2012). Nature’s Queer Performativity. Women, Gender, and Research, 1-2, 25-53.
Barad, K. (2014). On Touching - The Inhuman That Therefore I Am (v1.1). W: S. Witzgall, K. Stakemeier (red.), Power of Material - Politics of Materiality (s.153-164). Diaphanes.
Bayne, S. (2018). Posthumanism: A Navigation Aid for Educators. Journal for Research and Debate, 1(2), 1-7.
Bekoff, M. (red.).(2013). Ignoring nature no more: The case for compassionate conservation. University of Chicago Press.
Bińczyk, E. (2018). Epoka człowieka. Retoryka i marazm antropocenu. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Bradshaw, G.A. (2009). Elephants on the edge: What animals teach us about humanity. New Haven Yale University Press.
Braidotti, R. (2006).Transpositions. On Nomadic Ethics. Polity Press.
Braidotti, R. (2014). Po człowieku. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Chutorański, M. (2019). Posthumanizm(y) i pedagogika. W: M. Chutorański, A. Makowska (red.), Rzeczy-Kultura-Edukacja (s. 19-33). Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego.
Chutorański, M. (2020). Nie (tylko) ludzkie wymiary edukacji. W stronę pedagogiki nieantropocentrycznej. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego.
Chutorański, M. (2022). Nieantropocentryczna pedagogiczność lasu. Forum Pedagogiczne, 12(2), 127-139.
Crutzen, P.J. (2002). Geology of Mankind. Nature, 415, 23.
Crutzen, P.J., Stoermer, E. (2000). The “Anthropocene”. IGBP Newsletter, 41, 17-18.
Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, A., Malone, K., Barratt Hacking, E. (2020). Childhoodnature: An Assemblage Adventure.W:A. Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, K. Malone, E. Barrad Hacking (red.), Research Handbook on Childhoodnature. Assemblages of Childhood and Nature Research(s. 1-16).Springer.
DeLanda, M. (1997). A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History. Zone Books.
Deleuze, G., Guattari, F. (1987). A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. University of Minnesota Press.
Derra, A. (2017). „Twórzmy relacje, a nie dzieci”. Wspólne życie na zniszczonej planecie w chtulucenie Donny Haraway. Avant, 8(3), 215-228.
De Waal, F. (2019). Ostatni uścisk mamy. Emocje zwierząt i co one mówią o nas samych. Copernicus Center Press.
Devall, B., Session, G.(1995). Ekologia głęboka. Żyć w przekonaniu, iż Natura coś znaczy.Wydawnictwo Pusty Obłok.
Everndon, N. (1978). Beyond Ecology: Self, Place, & the Pathetic Fallacy.The North American Review, 263(4), 16-20.
Fredriksen, B.C. (2019). Interspecies Pedagogy: What Could a Horse Teach Me About Teaching. Journal for Human-Animal Studies, 5, 1-28.
Gilling, M.R., Hagan-Lawson, E.L. (2014). The cost of living in the Anthropocene. Earth Perspectives, 1(2), 1-11.
Gilbert, S.F., Sapp, J., Tauber, A.I. (2012). A Symbiotic View of Life: We Have Never Been Individuals. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 87(4), 325-341.
Haraway, D.J. (2003). The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness. Prickly Paradigm Press.
Haraway, D.J. (2008). When Species Meet: T. 3.Posthumanities. University of Minnesota Press.
Haraway, D.J. (2016). Staying with the Trouble. Making Kin in the Chthulence. Duke University Press.
Hyży, E. (2017). Dzielenie się światem. Nowy feministyczny realizm w ujęciu Karen Barad. W: E. Hyży (red.), Feministyczne konteksty. Multidyscyplinarnie (s. 57-79). Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek.
Ingold, T. (2013). Prospect. W: T. Ingold, G. Palsson (red.), Biosocial becomings: Integrating social and biological anthropology(s.1-21).Cambridge University Press.
Keim, B. (2017). Inside animal mind: What they think, feel and know.National Geographic.
Kowalik-Olubińska, M. (2020). Od binarności do nowej fali – między modernizmem a postmodernizmem w nowej socjologii dzieciństwa. Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji, 2(49), 81-90.
Lack, B. (2022). The Children of the Anthropocene. Penguin Random House.
Latour, B. (1993). We Have Never Been Modern. Harvard University Press.
Latour, B. (2004). The Politics of Nature: How to Bring the Sciences into Democracy. Harvard University Press.
Lenz Taguchi, H. (2010).Going Beyond the Theory/Practice Divide in Early Childhood Education: Introducing an intra-active pedagogy. Routledge.
Lenz Taguchi, H. (2011). Investigating Learning, Participation and Becoming in Early Childhood Practices with a Relational Materialist Approach. Global Studies of Childhood, 1(1), 36-50.
Lindgren, N., Öhman, J. (2018). A posthuman approach to humananimal relationships: advocating critical pluralism. Environmental Education Research, 25(8), 1200-1215.
Lindgren, T., Sjostrand Ohrfelt, M. (2017). Fabricating Posthuman Child in Early Childhood Education and Care. Philosophy of Education,73, 264-276.
Malone, K. (2016). Posthumanist Approaches to Theorizing Children’s Human-Nature Relation. W:K. Nairn, P. Kraftl, T. Sketton (red.),Space, Place, and Environment(s.185-206).Springer.
Malone, K., Tesar, M., Arndt, S. (2020). Theorising Posthuman Childhood Studies. Springer.
Markiewicz, M. (2018). Nowa wspólnota dla antropocenu? Eko-logika, czyli myślenie domem. Zarys problematyki. Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, 18,163-177.
Morton, T. (2010). The Ecological Thought. Harvard University Press.
Murris, K. (2016). The Posthuman Child. Educational transformation through philosophy with Picturebooks. Routledge.
Nxumalo, F., Pachini-Ketchabaw, V. (2017). “Staying with the trouble” in child-insect-educator common worlds.Environmental Education Research,23(10), 1414-1426.
Prout, A. (2019). In Defence of Interdisciplinary Childhood Studies. Children & Society, 33, 309-315.
Prout, A.(2000). Childhood Bodies: Construction, Agency and Hybridity. In A. Prout, J. Campling (Eds.),The Body, Childhood and Society (pp. 1-18). Palgrave Macmillan.
Prout, A. (2005). The Future of Childhood. Towards the interdisciplinary study of children. Routledge.
Prout, A. (2011). Taking a Step Away from Modernity: reconsidering the new sociology of childhood. Global Studies of Childhood, 1(1),4-14.
Radomska, M. (2010). Braidotti/Haraway – perspektywa posthumanizmu. Nowa Krytyka. Czasopismo Filozoficzne, 24-25, 57-74.
Shapiro, K., DeMello, M. (2010). The state of human-animal studies. Society and Animals, 18, 307-318.
Skolimowski, H. (1993). Nadzieja matką mądrych. Wydawnictwo Akapit Press.
Smith, M. (2013). Ecological Community, the Sense of the World, and Senseless Extinction. Environmental Humanities, 2, 21-41.
Spyrou, S. (2019). An Ontological Turn for Childhood Studies?Children & Society, 33, 316-323.
Tammi, T., Hohti, R. (2020).Touching is Worlding: From Caring Hands to World Making Dances in Multispecies Childhoods.Journal of Childhood Studies, 45(2), 14-26.
Taylor, A. (2013). Reconfiguring the Natures of Childhood. Routledge.
Taylor, A., Blaise, M., Giugni M. (2013). Haraway’s ‘bag lady story-telling’: relocating childhood and learning within a ‘post-human landscape’. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 34(1), 48-62.
Taylor, A., Pacini-Ketchabaw, V. (2015). Learning with children, ants, and worms in the anthropocene: Towards a common world pedagogy of multispecies vulnerability. Pedagogy, Culture, & Society, 23(4),507-529.
Taylor, A., Pachini-Ketchabaw, V. (2019). The Common Worlds of Children and Animals. Relational Ethics for Entangled Lives. Routledge.
Taylor, A., Zakharova, T., Cullen, M. (2021). Common Worlding Pedagogies: Opening Up to Learning with Worlds. Journal of Childhood Studies 2021, 46(4), 74-88.
Wright, K. (2014). Becoming-With.Living Lexicon for the Environmental Humanities. Environmental Humanities, 5, 277-281.
Zalasiewicz, J. (2016). Warstwy historii. Ludzki ślad na Ziemi. Świat Nauki, (10), 22-29.
Zalasiewicz, J., Williams, M., Haywood, A., Ellis, M. (2011). The Anthropocene: a new epoch of geological time?.Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society, 369(1938),835-841.
Zalasiewicz, J., Williams, M. (2022). Klimat Ziemi od archaiku po antropocen. W: K. Jasikowska, M. Pałasz (red.), Za pięć dwunasta koniec świata. Kryzys klimatyczno-ekologiczny głosem wielu nauk(s. 34-57).Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Biblioteka Jagiellońska.