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The main thesis of the presented article implies that a possible and, simultaneously, immensely important response to the question “Why philosophy?” demonstrates the necessity of a philosophical diagnosis regarding the current condition of co-mmunicative rationality. This diagnosis—obtained on the basis of the analyses and decisions of transcendental-pragmatic communication philosophy—ultimately obliges philosophy to construct the theoretical framework for a new paideiaproject. The primary features of this project stem from the recognition of the megamedia character of today’s communication space and fundamental threats that are conditioned by the specificity of this space. The postulated paideia project must be based on the ethical principle of co-responsibility and its goal: the shaping of discursive rationality.


communicative aggression, megamedia communication, paideia, discursive rationality, transcendental pragmatics, co-responsibility communicative aggression, megamedia communication, paideia, discursive rationality, transcendental pragmatics, co-responsibility

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How to Cite
Sierocka, B. (2021). Why Philosophy? New Paideia in the Face of Megamedia Aggression. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 23(2(90), 29–45.


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