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Despite the existence of ethical standards in social research, including those relating to research that involves children, the exploration of the child's environment gives rise to numerous doubts and pitfalls in that field. The text describes the most important ethical dilemmas that appeared in the course of observing pre-schoolers, aimed at investigating the process of peer learning of pre-school children, and presents possible solutions to those problems. The discussed dilemmas concern: children's consent to participate in research, the level of researcher's involvement in interactions between children and its effects on children's welfare and the reliability of the data collected, protection of children from harm, data confidentiality and the use of knowledge of the area surveyed. The paper focuses on the dynamics of the research with the participation of children, the dependence of making ethical decisions on the context and the need to balance the observer between the role of the researcher and other social roles.


dylematy etyczne uczenie się rówieśnicze dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym badania jakościowe ethical dilemmas peer learning pre-school children qualitative research

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How to Cite
Sławińska, M. . (2019). Ethical Problems in Research with the Participation of Kindergarten Children: Na przykładzie badania grupy przedszkolnej. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 22(2(86), 107–123. Retrieved from


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