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The forest kindergarten is different from other traditional types of kindergarten, therefore teachers there should have special qualifications, skills and requirements. In this article I provide the profile of teacher in a forest kindergarten and describe some required skills and working conditions in natural environment.

The teacher plays the role of an animator in the sensual world and is a representative of the world of values. I accentuate the animism and childish fears of nature and describe the basic required knowledge for teachers in a forest kindergarten. The article shows the dangers expected to happen in forests and how to overcome them.


leśne przedszkole przyroda animizm umiejętności nauczyciela forest kindergarten nature animism teachers’ skills

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How to Cite
Pieprzyk, M. (2014). Teacher in Forest Kindergarten in Germany ? Requirements and Working Conditions. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 17(4(68), 185–197. Retrieved from


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