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Boundaries defining the sphere of privacy in adolescence are subject to large changes. At the same time, the function of self-awareness is also formed. The use of new media can significantly affect the form of these changes. Adolescents publish in the social media a lot of personal information. The extent of this phenomenon is high. They also show a low awareness of the associated risks. Therefore, the need for education is obvious. The most effective technique of education is the active mediation. Its aim is the creation of a conscious concern for the determination of privacy sphere. The optimal level of social anxiety is an emotional controller defining the boundary of privacy.


nowe media prywatność kryzys adolescencyjny wychowanie privacy adolescence new media education

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How to Cite
Branicki, W. (2014). Privacy of Adolescents in the World of New Media. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 17(4(68), 107–118. Retrieved from


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