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Presented text in author’s intention consists an attempt to understand the theoretical construction of the ecology of identity. Text tends towards the new direction in developing of growth and broadly inspires from integral theory of development of Ken Wilber as the construction of that category. The ecology of identity can be treated as not often crystalized field upon the integral theory of education. Selfrealisation is viewed as authencity (A. Giddens) and the integrity as grounding the development in the context of theoretical basis of ecology and identity. My voice consists the considerations on the nature of development and identity with the vision of integral theory of Ken Wilber.


ekologia tożsamość samorealizacja integracja Ken Wilber ecology identity self-realisation integration Ken Wilber

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How to Cite
Marzec, J. (2024). In the Search for ‘the Ecology of Identity’ in Contemporary Social Thought. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 26(1(95), 129–158.


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