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Seeding an ecology of life involves cultivating a Culture of Care and a Culture of Encounter. This vision englobes integral ecology, social justice, and holistic approaches to healing as well as conflict resolution. Wholeness can be engendered through narrative methods. We need a new story and new flyways to future form. In a space of creative flexibility, we can co-design transformagrams, in the context of higher education. An ecology of life is connected to healing practices and traditions that contribute to human flourishing. Complementary and Alternative Medicine offer medical practices that are holistic and require innovative pedagogies that engage the whole person within the learning process. This philosophical posture that values wholeness is interconnected with integral ecology and social justice. Living learning lives can be approached as a societal endeavour that engages individuals, learning communities, and academia. As biomedicine is the dominant medical approach in the Western world, mediating pedagogies are needed to teach future practitioners about complementary and alternative medicine, as patients increasingly seek out these practices.


Transformative Learning Pedagogies Complementary and Alternative Medicine Auto/Duoethnography Transformagram Portfolios

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How to Cite
Riva, S. (2021). From Life-o-Grams to Transformagrams: Storying Transformational Processes and Pedagogies. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 23(1(89), 129–147.


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