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This paper aims to present an overview of diagnostic tasks measuring creative imagination, appliedby psychologists in experimental studies. A special attention is given to experimental techniques formulated within the framework of major theories of creative process. The article examines theoretical assumptions of these techniques, procedures of the study and factors which influence the validity and reliability of measuring imagery abilities. The conclusions drawn from this examination provide a basis fordefining a possibility of applying experimental techniques of creative imagination measurement in educational studies, especially in the diagnostics of children?s creative potential.


wyobraźni twórcza wyobraźnia wizualna pomiar wyobraźni eksperymentalnetechniki pomiaru creative imagination visual imagination imagination measurement experimental techniquesof measurement

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How to Cite
Jankowska, D. M. . (2018). Experimental Techniques of Measuring Visual and Creative Imagination? Application Potential in Pedagogical Research. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 21(2(82), 103–124. Retrieved from


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