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The article discusses the problem of modernisation of the Polish school in the context of social changes in post-modernist times. The thin-walled classroom ? as an element of the philosophy of co-learning and an example of a sharing economy ? is presented as a model of such modernisation. The author shows the possibilities of creating such a classroom based on her exploratory study of, a portal for tandem language learning. The study, carried out between April and June 2015, presents the portal and its users, based on participatory observation as well as a mini-survey and interviews (N = 10).


usieciowiona szkoła tandem językowy język-za-język edukacja społecznościowa thin-walled classroom tandem language learning social-media education post-modern education

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How to Cite
Turula, A. (2016). The Thin-Walled Language Classroom. The Case of INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 19(4(76), 77?95. Retrieved from


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