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Gender equality education aimed at raising awareness of the negative consequences of gender stereotyping and preventing them in the area of __education, seem to raise a lot of controversy. They may be associated with resistance to the presentation of atypical children in their gender roles and activities and with a lack of tolerance for the manifestation of their behavior or preferences which is not typical of their gender. The authors of the study verify the assumptions on the impact of the presented child in activities which are stereotypical or nonstereotypical for their gender on the level of acceptance of gender equality education among the teachers. The results of tests carried out showed that the level of acceptance in the group studied, teachers differed from that in which the material they touch. The results of the study can serve as a guide both the design and implementation of education programs equality, as well as in the context of a broader effort to tame the public with the issue of gender and gender equality education.


akceptacja edukacji równościowej dziecko podczas aktywności typowej lub nietypowej dla swojej płci dziewczynka chłopiec acceptance of gender equality education child during the cross-gender or gender-congruent activity girl boy

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How to Cite
Serafińska, K., & Wójcik-Chałupka, D. (2016). When Gender Haunts? Presenting a Child During the Cross-Gender or Gender-Congruent Activity and the Level of Acceptance of Gender Equality Education Among Teachers. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 19(3(75), 111–121. Retrieved from


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