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A stereotype threat can relate to all students belonging to stigmatized groups referred to as less gifted. The fear of confirming a negative stereotype is an important factor adversely impacting the branded persons? capacity to carry out tasks. This phenomenon is a particular risk to children and youths as they are more prone to be affected by it and who, by submitting to the stereotype of being less gifted, achieve poorer educational results. The article presents the stereotype threat in the context of Bernard Weiner?s attribution theory. It aims at providing a better understanding of the possible mechanisms in the process of an individual?s self-assessment. It also touches upon the potential factors mitigating the stereotype threat connected to a change in perceiving intelligence and skills as inborn traits as well as environmental factors that could be an additional source of support. The conclusions may be helpful when working with students threatened by stereotypes and thus contribute to their chance of achieving an academic success.


pedagogika zagrożenie stereotypem atrybucje inteligencja wyniki w nauce pedagogy stereotype threat attribution intelligence educational results

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How to Cite
Borsich, S. (2016). The Meaning of the Notion of ?Stereotype Threat? for the Teaching and Learning Process. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 19(3(75), 67–88. Retrieved from


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