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In the present article I will argue that the program of sustainable development, as promoted by the United Nations, demands a revision of the foregoing patterns of educational reflection. For this purpose I will present the posthuman thought as an alternative to the conception and plea for humanistic education, which hitherto has failed to realize the invested hopes. The key premise of posthumanism is the promotion of postanthropocentrism, which extends the horizons of consciousness and concerns regarding non-human beings. Towards the end of the article I will try to indicate that the biggest opponent of this thought is ? paradoxically ? the most extreme fraction of posthumanism, which is transhumanism. I will argue that instead of revising the humanistic fixations on effectiveness and efficiency, transhumanism seems to head towards an increase of human domination over nature, which fundamentally contradicts the key ideas of the sustainability program.


rozwój zrównoważony edukacja środowisko naturalne posthumanizm postantropocentryzm transhumanizm education sustainable development natural environment posthumanism postanthropocentrism transhumanism

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How to Cite
Lipowicz, M. (2017). Posthumanism as a Base of Education for Sustainable Development? Possibilities and Limits of Educational Revolution. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 20(2(78), 139–153. Retrieved from