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The characteristic feature of empirical qualitative research in social sciences, including pedagogy, are their theoretical aspirations. Building a typology is said to be one way of creating a theory. In the subject literature there is a differentiation between ideal and real (empirical) types. The author, discussing both types, emphasises that this division is contractual. It results from paying more attention to one of the type components: either a theoretical or an empirical one. As a matter of fact, these both components coexist. The relation of theory with empiricism is a sign of modern scientific disciplines. The aim is to evaluate those theories in the light of empirical data, to which a meaning is given. Maintaining the opposition of an ideal type versus an empirical type does not seem to be advantageous, as it blocks out the ?common? component of those two types and the accepted order weakens the need of intellectual work. The author signals M. Weber?s concept of ideal type, as well as A. Schu?tz? concept, which assumes that scientific typologies are secondary to the typologies of everyday life. She also discusses the creation of typology by the means of grouping the objects? features and the typology functions in the documentary method, based on sociology of K. Mannheim?s knowledge.


badania empiryczne typ idealny typ empiryczny typologia empirical research ideal type empirical type typology

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How to Cite
Urbaniak-Zając, D. (2017). Building Types as a Way of Generating a Theory ? Selected Solutions. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 20(2(78), 115–127. Retrieved from


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