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The aim of the research was the evaluation of the position of health in the individual hierarchy of values as well as seeking the links between health, mental and physical condition, other values and the satisfaction from teachers? life with diverse types of jobs. 193 teachers of lower secondary schools from the Opolskie province took part in the research. The list of personal values (LWO) and the life satisfaction scale (SWLS) were applied. In the process of data analysis statistical techniques were used. The character of teachers? profession does not differentiate the research subjects according to their values and the level of life satisfaction. Good health, mental condition and physical fitness are the highest evaluated values regardless the gender of the examined people. Most teachers (63,7%) are highly satisfied with their general life quality. Only 5,7% declare low level of life satisfaction, and 30,6% ? average. The life satisfaction level positively correlates with being needed by other people, as well as with the sense of humour, intelligence, bravery and resoluteness. It was correlated negatively with successful family life, good material conditions, love and friendship. However, the above-mentioned correlations are not statistically strong (p < 0,05), although they are significant. No proof was found of the link between the life satisfaction and fitness. The system of individual values, as well as the level of life satisfaction makes the examined teachers successful health educators in the school environment.


zdrowie wartości osobiste satysfakcja z życia nauczyciele health personal values life satisfaction teachers

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How to Cite
Nowak, P. F., Charaśna-Blachucik, J., & Olejniczak, D. (2017). Good Health in the Individual Hierarchy of Teachers? Values in the Context of Life Satisfaction and its Links to Other Values. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 20(2(78), 69–78. Retrieved from


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