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The article relies on K. Dąbrowski's theory of positive disintegration (1979) to explain the difficulties which talented early school-age children face in social adaptation. We briefly explain the choice of theoretical concepts underpinning our research study and outline selected researchers' views which corroborate or reject the claim that talented children are socially maladapted. We discuss two case studies of talented children and address their difficulties in social adaptation as the first symptoms of positive disintegration.


dzieci zdolne trudności społecznej adaptacji dezintegracja pozytywna talented children difficulties in social adaptation positive disintegration

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Jewsiejewa, T., & Kruk-Lasocka, J. (2018). Difficulties in Social Adaptation of Talented Children. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 21(Specjalny), 231–245. Retrieved from


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