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The exposure of children and young people to technology is strongly affecting the way in which socjety develops. The authors explore the notions introduced by Marc Prensky ? digital natives and digital immigrants, to identify and describe the gap in the way two generations deal with technology and internet. The authors examine the patterns of children?s learning, cognition and action within the digital culture and propose the notion of ?digital refugees? as a new metaphor relevant to change the way of thinking about technology and its socio-cultural role.


mobilność kultura cyfrowa urządzenia mobilne dzieci socjalizacja uczenie się mobility digital culture mobile devices children socialization learning

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How to Cite
Bougsiaa, H., & Kopciewicz, L. (2016). Children in Mobile Culture. Participation, Learning and Emancipation of ?Digital Natives?. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 19(1(73), 139–154. Retrieved from


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