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The main purpose of this article is to reconstruct P. Freire?s conception of the popular education developed by researchers and educators associated with Instituto Paulo Freire in S?o Paulo. However, there is a problem of relevancy of Brazilian and Polish conditions. Both countries have been involved in the process of democratization for quite some time but ? in terms of economy ? Poland is developed and Brazil is a developing country. As it is not enough, social inequalities in Poland increased during the reintroduction of capitalism (parallel to democratization) and Brazil decreased social inequalities during the last 15 years. That is why the main reason of reconstructing the concept of popular education is the old-fashioned faith in progress present in Freire?s paradigm of political education. The faith in emancipation which disappeared in post-political Europe.


edukacja popularna emancypacja nierówności społeczne edukacja polityczna popular education emancipation social inequalities political education

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How to Cite
Stańczyk, P. (2016). Radical Pedagogy of Paulo Freire against Social Inequalities: on Popular Education. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 19(1(73), 37–51. Retrieved from


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