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In this article we address the issue of the importance of the educational potential of narration and narrative competences in the process of constructing careers by young people and adults. Prolonged education, difficult educational and professional transitions experienced by young people, as well as the destabilized nature of modern careers, result in a growing sense of uncertainty, unpredictability and inability to control their design and course. This feeling applies both to young people facing the choice of further education path, as well as students and graduates taking their first steps in the labour market. Therefore, the need to support the development of career competencies, including narrative competencies, both in young people and adults is becoming more and more visible. In this article we present the importance of narration for the construction of a career, illustrated by two separate research projects.


narracja kariera kompetencje narracyjne konstruowanie kariery przez młodzież i osoby dorosłe narration career narrative competences career constructing by youth and adults

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How to Cite
Minta, J. ., & Nizińska, A. (2018). Educational Potential of Narration in Constructing a Career. Research Two-Voice. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 21(Specjalny), 205–217. Retrieved from


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