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In the article, we compare the results of research conducted among non-traditional students in Poland and Sweden. We look for both similarities and differences in the settings which on the one hand quite considerably differ in terms of educational systems, yet on the other resemble each other in terms of the labour market conditions caused by global factors. Our research concerns "employability" as a concept that has become particularly popular in the European Union's education policy, which promotes close links among universities, the labour market and the economy. In the critical discourse on employability, researchers argue that this marks an important turning point in the debate on and practices in this field, as responsibility for employment is transferred from the state (economic policies and the labour market) onto the individual (acquiring proper skills that respond to the needs of the labour market). The article describes struggles with the employment and employability of a group of students who are referred to as non-traditional (underrepresented in higher education), against the background of the two countries' different organisations of higher education, the obstacles these students face in access to the labour market and their ways of coping with employability. The research was conducted by means of biographical interviews within the framework of the international EMPLOY project funded from the Erasmus+ programme (2014-1-UK01-KA203-001842-TP).


studenci nietradycyjni przejście ze szkoły wyższej do zatrudnienia i pracy zmagania studentów i absolwentów z zatrudnieniem polskie i szwedzkie doświadczenia studentów non-traditional students transition from university to employment and work struggles of students and graduates with employability Polish and Swedish student experiences

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How to Cite
Bron, A., & Kurantowicz, E. (2018). Struggles with the Employability of Non-Traditional Students: Reflections of Polish and Swedish Researchers. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 21(Specjalny), 147–159. Retrieved from


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