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This article aims to explore how Polish schools can cope with cyberbullying against minors and adults, in particular teachers. The authors present the possibilities of taking legal action when both the victim and the perpetrator of cyber violence are minors and when a public official, i.e. a teacher, is the victim, and a minor - a student of the school - is the perpetrator. The article analyses the relevant laws currently in force in Poland and assesses in how far the law is capable of coping with the rapidly growing problem of violence on the Internet. The readiness of public schools to effectively educate minors about cyberbullying, to deal with cyberbullies and to support teachers who have been cyberbullied by minor students is explored as well.


cyberprzemoc ofiara cyberprzemocy zniewaga zniesławienie sprawca cyberprzemocy blokada rodzicielska szkodliwe treści cyberbullying cyberbullying victim cyberbully insult defamation parental block harmful content

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How to Cite
Głowacki, B., & Rajba, B. (2018). Responsibility for Cyberbullying against Minors. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 21(Specjalny), 123–132. Retrieved from


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