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Demographic cycles ? phenomena that consist of intertwined baby booms and baby busts ? have been observed for several centuries. Its consequence is that numerically big generations at the childbearing age cause high birth rate and the other way round. These regularities are significantly disrupted by crucial historical events ? first of all by world wars, but also by increased emigration waves. Taking into account modern society we focus on present times. Obviously, it is only a metaphor because it is difficult to be restricted only to static presentations while talking about problems connected with the human life span. In order to do that three temporal dimensions are needed ? that is also past and future. Only in this way the directions and pace of social changes can be presented.


międzypokoleniowe dziedziczenie cykle demograficzne demigraphic cecles intergenerational inheritance

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How to Cite
Borowicz, R. (2012). Modern Polish Society from the Perspective of Intergenerational Inheritance. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 15(3(59), 137–146. Retrieved from


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