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Although Poland has become a part of global migration chain, studies that deal with the influence of migration on family life and on the functioning of migrant families in Poland still do not cover all arising problems. The aim of this paper is to fill that gap. The paper presents such issues as the emergence of discrepancies in life values and professional priorities among spouses, intensification of marital problems, loosening the marriage bond, family culture shock and multiplied culture shock, family instability and deviations in the family development cycle, responses to prolonged separation of family members. The above-mentioned issues are illustrated with examples of problems of foreign families living in Poland: Chechen refugees, economic immigrants from Vietnam, multinational expats. The content of this paper should interest teachers, pedagogues, counsellors, social workers working with migrants and people who educate the mentioned professions.


migracja rodziny migranckie szok kulturowy migration migrant families culture shock

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How to Cite
Linka, A. (2015). Selected Problems of Migrant Families. Analysis including Some Groups of Foreigners Living in Poland. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 18(4(72), 53–66. Retrieved from


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