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The article contains a polemic with such thinking about pedagogy, which - on the one hand - expects from this discipline answers to questions about the meaning of human life and the desired, projected image of the world, and on the other hand - in a situation of disappointment, lack of such defined answers, speaks about weakness and resignation of pedagogy from its obligation. The author of the text, which the starting point for the polemics conducted in this article, proposes a hermeneutical reflection on the openness of questions, and also turns to art (literature) as a pedagogical inspiration. Therefore, the paper deals with the issue of interpretation of hermeneutical thought, concerning literary, ethical and pedagogical motifs.


pedagogika pytanie hermeneutyka literatura sztuka pedagogy question art literature hermeneutics

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How to Cite
Reut, M. (2018). Pedagogy and "the Question of the Sense of Life". INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 21(Specjalny), 17–28. Retrieved from


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