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The article is a reply to A. Rogalska-Marasińska's polemical text entitled Human - Posthuman - Transhuman: Who Will Undertake the Education for Sustainable Development? I will try to show that despite some ideological deviations posthumanism poses contemporarily the only alternative to transhumanism which I define as an ideational inheritor of modern humanism. Thus, humanism cannot secure us from the existential risks of transhumanism. I will argue that, first and foremost, it is humanistic anthropocentrism that poses not only the greatest danger for the natural environment in general, but specifically for the human species, whose agency can be, in accordance to the logics of (trans)humanism, taken over by digital algorithms. The relational anthropology of posthumanism, on the other hand, could reinstate the transcendental image of man and education, which resist the reductionist tendency of transhumanism. At the end I will
dedicate a few comments to the possibilities of integrating posthumanism into the educational system through an institutional reactivation of philosophical education.


posthumanizm transhumanizm humanizm nowożytny edukacja technologia edukacja filozoficzna posthumanism transhumanism modern humanism education technology philosophical education

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How to Cite
Lipowicz, M. (2019). Posthumanism: Between Ideology and Social Theory. An Attempt to Straighten Out Some Misconceptions Concerning the Concept of the Posthuman. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 22(1(85), 154–173. Retrieved from


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