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The aim of the article is to analyze the process of confirming and perpetuating the demoralization of students. Moreover, its aim is also to show the possibilities offered by the theoretical and methodological perspective adopted in studying the problems of demoralization of minors. The starting point for the analysis undertaken in the article are the following questions: What meaning do habitual offenders ascribe to the school's actions to legitimize their status as a "minor offender"? What are the tactics of autopresentation in the interactions with teachers for students with the demoralization label? And finally: how do teachers relate to the demoralized students? The participants of the study were recidivists who experienced staying in social rehabilitation centers during their adolescence. The empirical material were the records of autobiographical narrative interviews and in-depth interviews with elements of a narrative. The adoption of the cognitive perspective going beyond the individual biographies and giving the conditions for discovering general patterns and mechanisms shaping the sense of action of students and teachers, were made possible with the pocedures of the grounded theory methodology. Actions taken by the teachers to legitimize the status of the demoralized student through the placement in a social rehabilitation facility were defined as the strategy of the "second-chance rule". In addition to the description of meanings that this rule adopts for demoralized students, the article proposes a typology of teachers whose activities create specific conditions for the self-presentation of students - candidates for correctional institutions' inmates. Relying on the interpretative trend and following the assumptions of symbolic interactionism creates the opportunity to analyze and interpret mutual interactions (teachers-marked students) and undertaken actions (by both sides). The adopted cognitive perspective is useful for describing the dynamics of confirming the label of students' demoralization. It also enables understanding of the conditions of the negotiation process of the character and scope of its deviation, as well as the way in which the demoralized student defines the commitment of teachers to solving their problems.


badania biograficzne teoria ugruntowana naznaczenie społeczne autoprezentacja relacje nauczycieli z uczniami biographical study grounded theory labeling theory presentation of self teacher–student relationship

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How to Cite
Szczepanik, R. (2019). Legitimizing the Student Demoralization Label. Biographical Experiences of (Adult) Habitual Offenders. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 22(1(85), 65–87. Retrieved from


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