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Since the middle of the last century studying youth has marked its presence in social, cultural and political life, becoming this way an object of scientific inquiries. Despite many theories and research carried out globally, the problems concerning students are not appreciated by the Polish scientists. It is still assumed that a person who starts studying is adult and completely formed.

The aim of this article is an attempt to reconstruct and thereby to provide people working with the academic youth, a more complex portrait of the contemporary student and possible ways of their development. As a departure point I adopted the specific character of the phase of life that falls on the time of studying. It is a boundary moment between adolescence and adulthood, between an influence of different environments ? family and the academic one, which implicates specific consequences for the quality of the student life as well for the society.

The chosen theoretical positions and the results show the student as an active subject who, being in the developmental ?in-between? zone, has big chances, thanks to the years spent in the academic environment, to cross the stage and go up to the higher level of development, multiplying the potential in different spheres of their personal, cognitive and moral life. It is also shown in the paper that the reverse situation is possible. Intended and unintended as well as positive and negative effects of studying are presented as a result of interactions, influence of the environment, internal preferences and self-activity of the student.


student okres rozwojowego „pomiędzy” przejście wyłaniająca się dorosłość student developmental stage “in-between” transition emerging adulthood

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How to Cite
Pauluk, D. (2015). Students in Transition Stage ? Possible Gains in Development and Lost Opportunities. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 18(1(69), 177–193. Retrieved from


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