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The paper shows the results of research on educational inequalities among the youth in Poland and Ukraine. The data were collected in Przemyśl, Drohobych and vicinities at the turn of 2012 and 2013 using the survey method. The survey was conducted with the use of the auditorium questionnaire technique. The research sample consisted of 717 Polish and 584 Ukrainian students. The findings confirmed the fact that in both countries educational inequalities are sustained. The socio-economic status ? measured by father?s education, job status and material conditions ? influenced the choice of secondary school, school performance, taking private lessons and educational aspirations. Secondary school leavers of higher status graduated from secondary schools of general education and took private lessons more often. They also had a better grade point average and higher educational aspirations, as they valued higher education and expressed willingness to obtain a higher degree (such as MA or PhD) from a prestigious university. The research showed that within the group of students with the highest grade point average, those of better status have higher educational aspirations. The research confirmed the fact that the educational inequalities in both countries are sustained and unveiled identical mechanisms responsible for maintaining them.


nierówności edukacyjne status społeczno-ekonomiczny osiągnięcia szkolne korepetycje aspiracje edukacyjne Polska Ukraina educational inequality socio-economic status school achievement private tutoring educational aspirations Poland Ukraine

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How to Cite
Długosz, P. (2015). Educational Inequalities in East-Central Europe Illustrated with the Example of Poland and Ukraine. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 18(1(69), 107–122. Retrieved from


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