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This paper seeks to assess the impact of non-formal learning models in the increment of knowledge within organizations. In order to achieve this, it introduces the work which is presented herein and proceeds to analyze the concepts non-formal and informal learning, formal education as well as the differences that exist among all of them. The next part of the paper preempts the crisis society is experiencing today in terms of knowledge and educational influences by assessing the culture of organizations of learning being the most useful factor to consider in order to understand the responsibility assigned to learning. Before discussing and ultimately concluding the assessment conducted, there is a section of the paper dedicated to discussing the relationship existing between models of learning and learning organizations. It is prudent to note that the purpose of this analysis is this particular section. The analysis elements are based on P. Senge?s literary work as well as E. Schein?s. There is also reliance on papers from UNESCO.


pozaformalne uczenie się nieformalne uczenie się edukacja formalna kultura organizacyjna organizacja uczenia się non-formal learning informal learning formal education organizational culture learning organization

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How to Cite
Pavlović, N. (2015). Non-Formal Learning and Learning Organizations. Review of the Primary Notions. INSTED: Interdisciplinary Studies in Education & Society, 18(1(69), 7–20. Retrieved from


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